Over the past couple of weeks I have worked to complete the pre-production work for my next film. It was difficult to work as much as I would have wanted to do on pre-production since I've also been working on my Eagle Scout project as well as doing work for my internship, Mini-THON, and other classes. Despite this, I feel that I have gotten a large amount of preparation completed and I am in good position to begin production. The following is a brief synopsis of my pre-production work. Concept For this project, I decided that I wanted to keep things relatively simple overall. I wanted a limited amount of characters, locations, and plot details. I made this decision to hopefully make this film an easier task than what I had envisioned for my previous film. The idea for this film came to me when I was listening to a whole bunch of old country and wild west styled songs. From them, I decided to have the story follow a cowboy/drifter character. While I likely could've taken this i...
Digital Portfolio II |Digital Portfolio I |Film II | Film I