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Themes in Conceptual Film

Out of all the themes described in the document "Themes in Art", the theme that personally speaks to me the most would have to be Politics and the Social Order. Politics and social classes are a important part of our daily lives which allows viewers to relate to films with this theme. Using this theme allows the filmmaker to address political or social issues with their own creative thoughts. It's in the filmmaker's thoughts that the viewer can see what the world around them could be like in the the film were a reality. This can influence the viewer to not only see the film as a story being told but also as a commentary of the world at the time.

Other than Politics and the Social Order, the second most appealing theme to me would most likely be the theme of the Sacred Realm. The reason that I believe this theme is so appealing would be because the idea of a higher being or a sacred realm is largely embedded into our lives and culture. Since this thought is up to our personal interpretation, a film can express an idea completely different from our own. Differing ideas can impact a person’s enjoyment of a film and a film can also impact a person’s ideas and beliefs on some things such as the idea of a sacred realm.

The last of the themes described in the document that interests me would be Stories and Histories. Without stories from our past, mankind would likely repeat parts of those stories from throughout history. Expressing this theme through a film is the best way in my opinion to show and tell stories and parts of our history. I think this because a film would show the the viewer an interpretation of history so that they can learn from it and see both the good and the bad


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