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Critique Reflection

Critique Reflection
After the completion of our film and the viewing of each group's film, I am able reflect on my own film.
I feel that what worked best with our film was our camera work and our audio. Both of these had a large amount of effort put into them in order to ensure that they would help improve the final product. My fellow classmates had mentioned how they had felt that our use of suspense in the film was very efficient. They had said how certain scenes kept them wondering what would happen next. I feel that we need to improve on working to subvert the genre more. This issue mainly arose because of our script not being as focused as it should have been. If it were more focused then it would have been easier to incorporate more subversions to our genre. My classmates had suggested to improve on our performances. The actors in the film had done a good job with their performance, however, everybody could have worked to take their performance above and beyond what we had already achieved. I would say that our strengths with our project were working hard and quickly accomplishing what we wanted to do. Yet, our main weakness was not being as focused on we wanted to do. When we knew exactly what we were doing, we worked hard and filmed the shots that we had wanted to. When we had a limited idea as to what we were doing, we found difficulty in creating a worthy shot in a timely manner. A plan for our next project would be to focus on creating a story that possesses all of the qualities that are required, planning our exactly what we are doing and when we are doing it, and executing that plan quickly and efficiently. I feel that I can improve on the job I am tasked to work with. While I feel capable to perform any job that I am assigned, there is still the potential for me to improve on each job. Lastly, I feel that my strengths lie in working diligently and staying on task and I can make these strengths better by trying to get the rest of my group to do the same.


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