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Pre-Production Blog Post 12/15

I have worked over the past 2-3 weeks to complete the pre-production section of my next project. The following is what I have accomplished thus far:


For my next project, I wanted to do something completely different from what I had completed last marking period. Instead of working to write and create another non-fiction/serious project, I have instead chosen to create a fictional story based on one of the themes I took interest in at the beginning of the year. The main premise of my film follows a teenager living a typical life. Throughout the film, the audience learns of about the choices and beliefs of not only the main character but also a few supporting characters. These beliefs are written in such a way that it is difficult for the audience to be completely for or against each of them. This is also meant to contrast the themes in lots of traditional films where there is a clearly defined good and evil. The script that I have written incorporates around 5 actors, with 4 being male and 1 being female. Also the project run-time of the film at this moment is expected to be 12 minutes. Here is the link to my most recent draft of my script.


As for this moment, I have two actors who I have asked if they would like to sign onto this project. These two actors are both returning from my previous film. I chose to ask them to return as I now have experience working with them and I personally also know that they are good actors who should be able to help my vision for this film come to life. I still do need to find at least three more actors. However, I do believe that I may fill in for one of the smaller roles in order to remove one less variable from this project.


Currently, I do not have much planned out for when to shoot this project. After being extremely prepared in this aspect for my last film, I would've very much liked to be the same for this film. However, due to my personal schedule beginning to be crowded because of the musical, I haven't been able to efficiently schedule for this project like I had done so before. Hopefully, with the long winter break ahead of us, I will be able to schedule out the rest of my work for this project and might even possibly get some filming completed.


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