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End of MP 3 Blog Post

Since the third marking period has reached its end, It is once again the time to reflect on what work I have accomplished over this time.

Intention Definition & Exploration Of Ideas

After the second marking period had ended, I continued to explore the theme of politics and the social order that I had originally intended within my next film. This was my primary focus for this marking period as I had not gotten to a point that I could begin thinking about another idea to explore for another project. As for my exploration of the theme of politics and the social order, I feel that I have done a fairly good job at understanding the theme but done a less good job at expressing that theme in my next film. While I do express this theme within the film, it currently is not expressed as well as I would like it to be.


Since the third marking period contained the production stage of my film, a majority of the planning I did was for production. My planning for this film had led me to manage a larger group of people than I had on my previous project. I planned out that over the course of two days, myself and three other actors, two camera operators, and two extras to all meet at different designated shooting locations. My planning, overall, was a success with me completing the majority in the time that I had planned to do so.


Over the course of this marking period, I worked to produce the content required for my next film as well as some other video projects for other classes. The process of producing for my next film went over very well. I had two of my friends contribute their help with camera work and audio recording for this project, making the whole process go over much more smoothly. My actors were all professional throughout the process, which also contributed to how smooth production was. The one issue that I had with producing was that because I was playing an actor on-screen, I was unable to constantly make sure that everything was done exactly how I wanted it, which could impact the final product. During the third marking period, I had also produced a video for my Special Interest (S.I.) independent project, about some of the constitution and its amendments. The production process for this video was very simple as I was the film's only actor and I had filmed it entirely on my phone.


I feel fairly content with the work that I have accomplished over this marking period. The work that I put in for my next film resulted in ending with footage of decent quality. The process of creating throughout this marking period, as previously mentioned, was good overall. While I do feel like I am in a good position now, I definitely feel like I have felt better about the work that I have filmed as well as the future of what remains of a project. At this moment, I believe that I will have to wait until my project is finished before I can truly evaluate the process overall.


The lesson that I learned from this marking period of work which I hope to integrate into the future is making sure that everything that I do ends up how I want it to be. While there may be times where it is difficult to create exactly what I am envisioning, I should never finish working until I have created something that I am satisfied with. In the future, if I make sure that I only finish filming after everything has met my standards for what I would like, then the overall quality of the final product should improve.


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