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Year End Summary Blog Post

With this school year coming to its end, I can now look back on my time in digital portfolio and reflect on what I thought about the course.

My Favorite Part Of This Year

I feel that the thing I most enjoyed about being in Digital Portfolio this year was having the freedom to investigate whatever I felt interested in. During my time in Film I and Film II, it was interesting to learn the foundations of filmmaking and everything that goes into making a film. But by the end of Film II, I had wanted to be able to do things all on my own, which Digital Portfolio provided for me. Doing research into mockumentaries, writing a film by myself, and creating a shot list, prop list, and schedule was enjoyable as it taught me how to personally do things myself while also giving me to do the freedom that I desired.

What I've Learned The Most About

I feel that the one thing that I've learned the most about during this year is working with and managing other people. In order to complete the filming of both of my projects I had to enlist the help of some of my peers. After you get people to help you work on your project, you have to make sure that things go smoothly since they are helping out of the kindness of their hearts. During my first project I worked with three people other than myself and for my second project, I worked with seven other people. By working with these people, I learned how to make a schedule that works with them, instruct them clearly and efficiently, and have the whole experience be positive. Learning all about how to work with people during projects is something important that I know I will surely use in the future.

What I Didn't Like

The one thing that I didn't like about this year was my second project. My second project felt very sloppy and unorganized in my opinion. The project's script was very boring and I felt that if I had managed my time working on it better, it would've likely ended up better. While the production stage of the project went fairly well, there were a few production difficulties and scheduling errors that probably could've been fixed. Lastly, because of the world falling apart, the project remains unfinished which is bad in the sense that all of that work goes to waste but is also good as I really felt very little desire to continue working on it.


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