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Showing posts from April, 2021

Investigation 4/25: Scott Pilgrim Takeaways

Typically, I only really watch movies in a social setting or if there's one particular film that I really want to see. Over the past few days I've tried to change this habit by watching a film each night in the evening. The first of these films is one that I always wanted to watch but never had until now. Scott Pilgrim VS. The World  was originally released in 2010 and is based upon the 2005 graphic novel of the same name. The film follows Scott Pilgrim who has to fight the seven evil exes of his new girlfriend Ramona Flowers in order to be able to date her. The film is great and instantly became one of my favorites. However, the purpose of this blogpost isn't to gush about how good the film is. The purpose of this blogpost is to talk about a few takeaways that I got from the film. Editing Since the film is based upon a graphic novel that is heavily inspired by video games, it took a large amount of creativity to bring those influences to life on the big screen. One of the ...

Pre-Production Blog Post 4/17

It's finally time for me to once again complete my final Pre-Production cycle for this year. This final film will look quite different in regards to production stages due to it's required deadline. The reason for this deadline is due to this final film being the Mini-THON Documentary for 2021. As the Tech chair, it's my duty to complete a documentary to summarize the entirety of our Mini-THON year which will be shown on the day of our Mini-THON event. The following is the preparation that I have been able to complete during pre-production The Documentary As previously stated, the documentary is meant to serve as a final summary of the Mini-THON year leading up to our event. Typically, the documentary has a large amount of footage from all of the different events held during the year. However, due to the chaos that this year has been, I have less footage from events to pull from to tell the story of this year. However, I know that with the amount of footage that I have, I sh...

MP 3 Reflections 2021

Now that the class has finished presenting the work that they accomplished during the third marking period, I have taken the time to reflect on what my classmate's have produced. By analyzing their work I am able to see their growth, understand their struggles, and even learn somethings that I can incorporate into my own production work ethic. The following is my reflection on a few of my fellow classmates. Zach's Work Throughout the production cycle, I always ask Zach how his filming is going. Sometimes he says things are good and other times not as good. Despite this, every film of Zach's that I've seen has been amazing and this one is no different. " An Omnidirectional and Incomprehensible Meta-process " shows how even without actors or a crew to help him, Zach can make something that is truly though provoking and engaging. Zach's camera work shines here, with well framed dialogue shots and visually interesting shots such as the one with the reflection ...