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MP3 Film Post-Production

Finally, after weeks of delays and busy schedules, I have completed the Post-Production stage of my film for the third marking period. Here are my thoughts on how things went.

Starting Over

While I did get some filming done during the appropriate stage of the production cycle back during the third marking period, by the time I got back around to finishing the film, I didn't like the footage that I had. Luckily, this footage was just the introduction and would easily be replaced due to the new direction that I planned on taking the film during my time working on it. The original story that I had set out for the film was set aside as it involved multiple actors which I knew I wouldn't be able to swing in such a short amount of time. Luckily, I was able to keep the concept on the film intact and managed to produce a shortened, adjusted version of the idea that I had.

Final Thoughts

Overall, I like what I was able to throw together. I think that the concept is portrayed well which was my main intention when making the film. I managed to produce this new cut of the film in just a few hours which was enjoyable in regards to seeing everything easily come together. While I would have loved to be able to have finished the film as I originally intended during the original production cycle timeline, I'm still proud of what I made. Since I do still have everything planned out for my original idea, I might end up coming back to the concept one day and finishing what I originally set out to do.


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