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Who's Michael Crawford? (Reverse Engineering Project)

Who's Michael Crawford? (Recreation)

Evidence of Role (Actor):

For my role as an actor for the project I was required to memorize my lines in the script provided to me by the script writer in order to recite them during filming. I also analyzed how the real actor said his lines and how he acted during the scene. Lastly, I assembled a costume that somewhat resembled what was worn in the movie scene.

The Process of Filming:
The project started with us first determining a clip we could reproduce, followed by us assigning roles in the production process. Then we gathered all the required paper work for the project while scouting out the location we would film in. Once this was completed, we were ready to begin filming. We started by recreating the first portion of our selected clip. We accomplished this by having our actors read their lines and move down the library aisle as seen in the clip, while the sound engineer held a boom pole above the actors to capture a clearer version of the sound which we continued throughout the entire process. The camera operator moved the camera in to the aisle at the start and tracked the actors at the end to recreate what was seen in the original clip. The next portion of the clip was shot three times, with the camera in three different locations in order to get the same scene from three different prospectives. Then we moved to our final location of the library to shoot the final portion of our selected clip. We again shot the same scene multiple times. The first time was a medium shot that showed all of our actors in frame and the second time was a close up on Chad (Trent) as he read through his lines. The third time was on Troy (Me) but was shorter since filming the entire scene from that point of view wasn't necessary for what we had needed.

Successes and Failures:
I think that our film ended up fairly well in the end. It feels faithful to the actual scene with it's scenery and acting. One of the things I would change if I was to complete this project again would be to put more time and effort into the planning and execution of filming. The reason why was we were limited on what days we could film because of absent group members and we also ran into multiple equipment issues that we probably could've avoided in some ways.


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