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Meet and Subvert Genre Film

Outline of Filmmaking Process:
The process of making our film started with our group conceptualizing what we had wanted to do for our project. Together as a group we discussed some ideas and outlined what our project would look like. Then, we decided which group members would perform each role for the filmmaking process. Once we had our roles decided, each member worked to prepare for filming with each role preparing differently, such as with the writer creating the script and the cinematographer creating a storyboard. After the prep work was completed, we started the filming process. Over the following weeks, we worked to shoot all of the shots we needed while adapting/making changes as needed. Once we had finally finished shooting our film, all clips were shared with each group member and we started to edit our film together. After completing our edits, our film was complete.

My Role:
The role that I worked to complete for my group was the role of audio engineer. During our time filming, I was in charge of holding the boom microphone and using the external audio when applicable. After each day of filming, I recorded any external audio that we had recorded onto a sound report sheet as show here:

Successes & Recommendations:
The main thing that I believe that we succeeded in doing with our film was creating a longer, more detailed film. In the past a majority of the films we had made were very simple in idea and execution. This film was much longer and had depth to it in comparison. If we were to complete this project again, I would recommend that we determine what we want to do at the start, and make sure we follow it through. Throughout our process of filming, it had felt like we had made multiple changes over time which got further and further away from our original idea and our original assigned prompt.


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