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Themes in Conceptual Film

With the evolution of art over time, different themes have also developed alongside. After analyzing the multitude of different themes during class, I have taken an interest in three of those presented. These themes that I have found to be most interesting are: invention and fantasy, politics and the social order, and looking outward: the here and now. I took an interest in these particular three themes as I feel that each give opportunities to create films in three different areas. First, the theme of invention and fantasy interests me with the idea that the creator is able to invent something entirely new for their film. Most themes in film and art give the creator somewhat of a platform to build atop of. By following the theme of invention and fantasy, the creator is not required to base their creation off of any particular topic or subject. This allows the creator to create whatever they desire. Second, the theme of politics and the social order interests me with the aspect of being able to express and reflect on the world in the current age. With our world constantly changing and evolving, people are able to create their own opinions and discuss them with others. Being able to express and reflect my own opinions on politics and the social order through film is the main reason on why this idea intrigues me. The last theme that interested me was looking outward: the here and now. The appeal for me with this theme is the ability to present a smaller, more focused idea. There is a large appeal to create gigantic, creative, deep thinking films by following with other themes. However, sometimes the ideas that I want to present may be smaller and more down to earth which is exactly what the theme of looking outward: the here and now represents.


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