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Investigation 9/22: Project Pitch

The first project that I plan to work on is a Documentary/Mockumentary styled film about the psychological game known as "The Game". The plan for this project is for me to create a simple and short piece about a topic that I can relate to. After completing this projects, I should have a better understanding of what I am capable of as well as what type of film I enjoy making.

Why I Want To Do A Documentary

The concept of a documentary peaks my interests because of it's ability to give commentary on a particular topic as well as it not requiring me to create my own idea from scratch. In my opinion, commentating on a pre-established idea gives a larger amount of creative potential than establishing my own idea. It makes sense to have more freedom talking about an established topic rather than creating your own and hoping others would be able to relate. One of the themes that I chose to focus on for this year was politics and the social order. While it is possible to follow this theme through a different style of film, a documentary works the easiest.

Why I Want To Focus On My Topic

Image result for the gameThe topic of my focus would be on "The Game" which is a mental game that I personally play with my peers. A brief summary of  "The Game" is that, you are always playing "The Game", if you think about "The Game" you lose the game, and you have to state when you lose "The Game". While looking at the bigger picture, "The Game" is very insignificant to my daily life. However, I feel that because it is insignificant, it makes an interesting social topic to discuss through documentary. My personally thoughts and opinions should be represented through my work and I would rather share my thoughts on a topic that impacts me in my life rather than a topic that doesn't. The other reason that I would like to focus on this topic is because of its simplicity compared to other topics. While I could've chosen a more ambitious topic, I feel that I shouldn't try to over work myself on my first project.

(Link to photo)

Work Log

  • Monday 9/16: Began first steps of project. Thought of idea and created word document to organize thoughts
  • Tuesday 9/17: Began early stages of research and first draft of script
  • Wednesday 9/18: TV Studio instruction day (No Work)
  • Thursday 9/19: Early Dismissal (No Work)
  • Friday 9/20: Continued work on script draft


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