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Production Blog Post 10/21

Following the completion of pre-production, I advanced to the production stage of my project. The following is what I accomplished:


As planned, I began filming for my project on October 12. During this one filming date, I was able to accomplish all of the filming required for my film. The process of filming that day had gone very smoothly. All of my actors arrived on time with all required materials, listened to what I asked them to do, and stayed enthusiastic the entire time. The weather cooperated with us for the most part during our outdoor shooting time. At one point, it did begin to rain, but after breaking for lunch and coming back, we were able to continue. For the most part, I followed what I had outlined on my storyboard, making additions and adjustments along the way. This also stayed true with the script. For most of the logistics of filming (How I was going to actually do somethings), I figured most of that out on the spot. Shown below are two videos, with one showing how me figuring out how to accomplish what I wanted to do, and the other being the final product.
Filming the interviews were one of the last things that we completed. I set up an area to film the interviews using the knowledge I had gained during a previous week's investigation. The final result for the interviews seemed to be fairly decent. I feel that I have enough content from the interviewees to make the documentary, but more would have probably been better.


At this point, I do have a version of my narration completed. This version likely however will not be the final version that I use within my film. The reasoning behind this is because this version was recorded without the final edit in front of me. The ways that I spoke within the narration may possibly not fit within the context of the clips as I originally planned. However, completing the narration for a first version was still a huge production success. I am now familiar with the script, what I want to say, and how I want to say it. Hopefully, my narration will be easy to perfect with this knowledge, helping make the final product even better.


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