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Post Production Blog Post 11/22

After completing production, I advanced to the post-production stage of my project. The following is what I accomplished as well as my final product:


The process of editing went fairly smoothly for me. I began by laying out all of my clips within the timeline in order. Next, I added in all the audio clips I had recorded using my external audio recorder and synced them up which each clips original audio. Within my timeline, there were a few spots without any footage. This is when I had realized that I had forgotten to shoot B-Roll for these portions. After taking time and recording footage for these segments, I inserted them into the timeline and continued editing. Next, I watched over what I had completed so far and took note of how I wanted my narration to sound over each section. I recorded a first copy of my narration and inserted it into the film. This first copy had multiple errors which I went back and corrected for my final copy of the narration. The final steps of editing were color grading shots and inserting music throughout the film.


The process of recording narration was a difficult process. I had never recorded narration for a project like this which made it hard to try and realize how to speak in an interesting and engaging way. While I do think I did fairly well for the final product, I know I can definitely improve. For my first copy of narration, there were very large pops within the recording. I tried my best to correct these through editing, but was unable to do so cleanly. The solution to this was to record my narration again, this time using preventative actions to make sure these errors weren't found in this copy. Both my new and original narration were used within the film to create the final product.

Final Thoughts

Looking at the final product, I am definitely proud of what I have accomplished. This film demonstrated what I am able to do on my own without being given any direction. In comparison to my previous years' works, this project is more ambitious when it comes to my writing, my planning, and my ability to produce a film. The one thing I would feel that I need to improve on for my next project would be my time management. Instead of working on the project gradually, I did a majority of the work all at one time. I also would like to have more people to help me during production of my next project as I would've benefitted having another set of hands to help me do what I needed during production. To conclude, I feel that my final product reflects my current standings as a filmmaker and has helped me to expand my abilities.


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