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End of MP 2 Blog Post

With the second marking period at its end, I am now once again able to reflect on the work that I have completed over this period of time.

Intention Definition & Exploration Of Ideas

Following the end of the first marking period, I was faced with needing to complete the project I had begun as well as begin to think of an idea for myself to develop following its completion. I chose to look back at the themes that I took interest in from the beginning of the year and see which I would want to explore for my next project. After comparing these themes with the few ideas that I had already came up with, I chose to attempt to follow the theme of politics and the social order for my next project. I plan on exploring primarily the social order portion of this theme, with my idea of being how people differently see good and evil within the social order.


During this marking period I had to create a plan for both post-production of my first marking period project as well as pre-production for my next project. For post-production, my original plan was to create any materials that I was previously missing, record my voice over narration, and assemble everything together in editing. Since I had just begun work on my next project toward the end of this marking period, the majority of the work that I had completed for it was all planning.


I did not end up completing a large amount of production during the second marking period. My first project had all of its production completed during the first marking period. The only portion that I produced for this project during the second marking period was the final product. Producing the final edit of the film had differed from the original plan I had created for it. Because of a mix-up on my part, I believed the assignment's due date was sooner than it actually was. This led to me rushing through post-production at first in order to try and finish for when I believed it was due. Luckily, after realizing my mistake, I was able to go back and properly finish post-production. My final version of the film is embedded below.


Looking back on everything I have completed over the course of the marking period, I feel that I am mostly satisfied with it all. Finally being able to wrap up my first completely independent project was especially satisfying as it showed me what the process will be like for the rest of my time in this class. However, I feel less satisfied about the work for my next project at this point. After completing pre-production for my first project, I had just about everything planned out. For this project, while I do have most things planned out, they aren't to the degree that I had previously with my other project.


The one major thing I observed from working this marking period that I plan to integrate in the future is that things will only turn out how I want if I take the time to do it right. Before I realized I had the due date wrong, my film did not resemble the final product that I wished to portray. I had rushed to finish it and I didn't like how it had ended up. It was only when I realized the time I had to work and used it efficiently to finish that I was satisfied with my work. The same can be said with my pre-production work for my next project. If I had put more time into it before, I would likely feel better about it now.
