Since the third marking period has reached its end, It is once again the time to reflect on what work I have accomplished over this time. Intention Definition & Exploration Of Ideas After the second marking period had ended, I continued to explore the theme of politics and the social order that I had originally intended within my next film. This was my primary focus for this marking period as I had not gotten to a point that I could begin thinking about another idea to explore for another project. As for my exploration of the theme of politics and the social order, I feel that I have done a fairly good job at understanding the theme but done a less good job at expressing that theme in my next film. While I do express this theme within the film, it currently is not expressed as well as I would like it to be. Planning Since the third marking period contained the production stage of my film, a majority of the planning I did was for production. My planning for this film had led...
Digital Portfolio II |Digital Portfolio I |Film II | Film I