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Post Production Blog Post 2/7

Over the past couple weeks I have worked to complete the post production stage of the project. During this time I ended up redoing a large amount of work that I had completed during the production stage of the project. Now that I finally have a film that is completed, here are my thoughts and experiences about the post production process.

Re-Doing The Film

As I previously stated within my production post, I wasn't too happy with my progress on this film originally. The work that I had done didn't feel like it was coherent or had any quality to it. The footage that I had was really just random clips of nature and objects that I had intended to edit together with narration over it in order to make something that felt "emotional". After I completed my production blog post, I immediately began thinking of what I would need to do in order to save this film. While I know that this film is in no way perfect, I still feel that I made something presentable out of the ashes of my original idea.


This was the first project that I have every really experienced "crunch" for. Typically with my films, I have enough planning put into them that if something came up, it wouldn't impact my progress for the film. This project definitely changed that for me. During all production stages I was behind in some way. During pre-production I didn't have an exact plan. Production I wasn't happy with what I had and I knew that I would have to redo. And post-production I hadn't had as much time as I wanted to film and edit. This led the whole production to not become what it probably could have been. Now that I have experienced what it's like to have to crunch to finish a film, I can guarantee myself that I will NEVER let this happen again.

Thoughts On The Film

I think the film that I completed is okay. This is the first film in a while that I completed entirely by myself and some portions clearly show it. I found a large amount of difficulty in filming myself in the ways that I wanted which wouldn't have been a problem if I had gotten someone else's help. The "plot" of the film still focuses on the sort of internal conversation and struggle that I had originally planned for within pre-production. While I knew that the length of the film was destined to be shorter due to me not wanting to have a long, wordy narration, I still wish that it was still a little longer than two and a half minutes. One definite positive of working on this production was getting more experience with lighting. I had completely covered all the windows in my shooting space in order to have total control of the lighting and I think that I got some pretty decent results. I also used the RGB settings on my one light in order to experiment with color in camera instead of with color grading. As I watch the film back I can at least say that I tried something new, learned things along the way, and at least ended up with something that I'm not ashamed of.


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