Over the past weeks I've been working to edit a large portion of the video content for Mini-THON's upcoming Man Pageant event. Primarily, I've been working on producing the introduction video that plays at the start of the event as well as editing some of the boy's acts which they filmed on their own. The following are some things I've taken away from the work I've so far completed.
Just Editing
Since some of the boys took charge in recording their acts together without me, I was put in a position different from what I've normally been in. Typically, for most projects that I've worked to edit, I've had the opportunity to be on location for the production process. This gave me a perspective as to how what I see now will become the final product. However, as I said this situation has been different for me and I was only able to look at this footage from the perspective of just the editor. While at first I tried my best to piece together these acts on my own, I eventually found myself reaching out to try and get a better idea of the video's structure. From there, I was given the scripts used to film the videos and was able to edit with that as a guideline. Even with guidance from the script, I still was required to improvise in ways when I didn't know what the original intention was or there was something missing that would have made the edit flow better.
Storytelling Through The Edit
One concept that I've heard from time to time is that a story is told once through the writer and again through the editor and working on these Man Pageant acts has led me to experience this feeling. As mentioned above, I found myself changing and adapting the act to flow better with the content that I was provided. This might have caused the video to not entirely represent what each of the guys originally had in mind. Whether or not this causes issues largely varies depending on the type of work and luckily shouldn't be an issue here. While a story can be told differently between the writer and the editor, different editors can also tell the same story differently. During this production, Aiden Rimmer took on some of the editing workload and completed one of the acts by himself. While Aiden's edit met the requirements of what was expected, it seemed that some people higher up in the authority chain wanted something different out of the video. That's when Aiden texted me and said "Do u think you can work you magic to make it better somehow?". While I haven't yet finished my edit of the video, it's interesting to see the different choices that both Aiden and I made when editing it together and gives a good example of how the same "story" can be told differently through different editors.
CV Mini-THON's Man Pageant can be streamed below on YouTube this Thursday at 7 p.m.
Work Log
- 4/26 - Mini-THON and Man Pageant Work
- 4/27 - Mini-THON and Man Pageant Work
- 4/28 - Mini-THON and Man Pageant Work
- 4/29 - Mini-THON and Man Pageant Work
- 4/30 - Mini-THON and Man Pageant Work
- 5/1 - Mini-THON and Man Pageant Work
- 5/2 - Mini-THON and Man Pageant Work
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