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Investigation 5/9: Mini-THON Tech Reflections

With our Mini-THON event finally being completed, I'm now able to take the time and reflect on all of the video and production work that I've been able to do. The past year has lead me to do so many different things while serving as the Mini-THON Tech chair and I've definitely learned a lot over that time. I've already talked a few times about Mini-THON, but here's one final reflection about the last things that we did this year.

Man Pageant

Working on the Man Pageant revealed to me what the technical side of live productions is truly like. By being a part of the musicals, I've know what it's like to be the one onstage. But now, I understand exactly what must go on in order for the show to go on. Working to set-up and plan for exactly what the show entailed was a feeling and work-flow that I always wanted to experience but only was able to now. The one real struggle that I experienced was working on the pre-recorded portions of the show. There was multiple nights where I worked long into the night in order to make sure that I got the videos done. Overall though, Man Pageant was a success both in regards to Tech and the show itself.

Leading A Committee

At first I had some worries about having to lead a committee of people during our event. After being a committee member last year and seeing what it was like for Georgea to handle it all, I wasn't sure how it was going to go for me. Luckily, things this year turned out pretty well. Any hurdles that came up during the event, either my committee or myself seemed to overcome them pretty well. Only having a few people made it difficult to do some tasks, but was easy to manage in comparison to having any more people than I did. While this year's tech committee duties were lighter than any other year, I still applaud my committee members for sticking with me and doing a good job doing what I asked them to do.

Work Log

  • 5/3 - Man Pageant Editing
  • 5/4 - Man Pageant Editing
  • 5/5 - Man Pageant Rehearsal
  • 5/6 - Man Pageant
  • 5/7 - Documentary Work
  • 5/8 - Mini-THON Event
  • 5/9 - Recovery Day/Recap/Documentary Work


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