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Post-Production Blog Post 5/9

Over the past couple weeks, I've been working to put together the Mini-THON Documentary for 2021. The following describes the status of the documentary as well as updates regarding some things that I have previously written about during the Pre-Production and Production stages of documentary.

Transition Success

In my previous Production blog post, I talked about my idea as to how to transition from the different parts of the documentary. Now that I've been able film the shots for these transitions and incorporate them into my editing timeline, I can say that my idea is largely a success. It was difficult to properly set-up the corkboard in a way that gave me my desired framing, but I'm happy with what I was able to make. Within the edit, the transition clips are given a digital tracking zoom along the string in order to show the transition from each labeled section. I chose to use a digital tracking zoom rather than doing it physically due to limited help to film the transitions as well as the fact that doing it digitally gave more flexibility to adapt to errors.

Chair Interviews

Filming the interviews with each of the Mini-THON chair persons seemed to be decent overall. I managed to get all but one of the clips recorded within the THON office so the interviews are almost completely consistent with each other. I did manage to get a decent take for each chair saying what I asked them to, but I found some difficulty getting what one person said to naturally flow into what the next person said. For this section, I also was required to overlay one interview with a chair on Zoom on top of another interview in person. Doing this was easy except for stretching out each of the clips long enough so that each speaker wasn't interrupting what the other was saying.

Final Documentary Status

Originally, my intention was to have the documentary published Saturday morning prior to our Mini-THON event. However, after rethinking some things and speaking with one of the Overalls, I made the decision to delay the documentary by a few days in order to incorporate new footage that would be taken during the event. This decision I feel was for the better and allows me to tell the entire story of Mini-THON this year, beginning with the reveal of last year's total and concluding with the reveal of this year's total. While at first, I though I would be able to simply just drop in new footage and be able to call the documentary complete, I now find myself having to go back and adjust parts of the documentary to flow better. This has lead to the documentary being pushed back by a little bit, however I was told multiple times that I shouldn't stress myself with rushing to get it out and should get some rest after grinding so much over the past couple weeks. Looking at the point that I am currently at during the time I am typing this, I anticipate that I will have the documentary completed over the next 2 days and once it is completed, it can be found here at the CV Mini-THON YouTube channel and I will also embed it within this blog post.


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